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Small Town.
Big Solar?
Size Matters!
Is Big Solar the Answer for Our Small Town?
We Have Questions...


We are concerned citizens in Staunton, Virginia
with a lot of questions, including:


Who would develop the project?
     Applicant and affiliates are in Richmond area and Northern Virginia, not Staunton or the Shenandoah Valley.
     Developer is an LLC with no track record. It was incorporated in 2021; this would be its first solar facility project.

Who would benefit?
     Outside developers, investors, and consultants would profit but will this bring jobs or tourism to Staunton?
     Community solar benefits are available only to Dominion customers, not to SVEC co-op members on surrounding properties.
What would this project do to property values?
     The previous owner of the proposed site sold it in August of 2022 for market rate per acre --for local agricultural land.
     But would development of an industrial solar facility negatively affect the value of surrounding properties?
     And why did the buyer make an offer --without a contingency for removing the zoning that restricted use to agricultural?
     How was the property zoning changed so quickly --and quietly!-- to allow for industrial development?
How would this affect the beauty and history of this area?
     The proposed site has been in the Bells Lane Agricultural-Forestal District of farms and natural habitats for decades.
     Surrounding homes, a church, a school sports field, and the planned YMCA
          would have a view of acres of solar panels
     Acres of solar panels would be the backdrop to the first settlement at Staunton, intruding on the viewshed
          of the Lewis family graveyard and the historic homes at Bellefonte.
Is this just the beginning?
     If these 96 acres are re-zoned, would it create a precedent for more/larger industrial/solar facilities in town?
     Approximately one fourth of the city is in Agricultural-Forestal Districts.
     Would removal of this parcel set a precedent for more acres to lose their overlay zoning protection?
Is solar energy truly clean, safe, and renewable?
     Would toxic chemicals or metals leach into the soil on the site?
     What would be the impact on the Lewis Creek watershed?
     Or the flood zone on the adjoining properties?
     Is a solar facility with battery storage a fire hazard?
     Does our local fire department have the training and equipment necessary to handle it?
     Where would the panels be disposed of in 25-30 years, when the solar facility is decommissioned?
If you are concerned about these issues, please join us!
     This website is a work in progress. Please check back often for more updates. In the meantime:
Click the options below to learn how you can get involved!