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Small Town.
Big Solar?
Size Matters!

Speak Up and Write it Down!

Please call or send an email or a letter to our elected officials, city staff, and other local leaders.

City Council

Please ask the members of City Council to do the right thing, and rescind their votes, based on the facts:
> The Agricultural-Forestal Advisory Committee's recommendation is invalid due to non-compliant composition of the committee.
> The city's Comprehensive Plan strongly supports agriculture and ag-forestal districts, but makes no mention of solar.
> The Planning Department's presentation stated the project does not include battery storage but the attached documentation lists batteries as part of the Special Use Permit application and the Siting Agreement.

You can email all members of City Council at: CityCouncil@ci.staunton.va.us

Or, write to individual members who voted to approve the application:

Stephen Claffey, Mayor: claffeysw@ci.staunton.va.us
Michele Edwards: edwardsmd@ci.staunton.va.us

thank Amy Darby, Vice-Mayor, for her vote against the application: darbyag@ci.staunton.va.us
thank Mark Robertson for his vote against the application: robertsonma@ci.staunton.va.us

City Attorney

Staunton's City Attorney was served with our legal challenge.
Please ask him to consider the complaint in light of the Virginia Code and in deference to the citizens of Staunton and our Comprehensive Plan, not the interests of outside developers.
John Blair: blairjc@ci.staunton.va.us


Local Leaders

Staunton's Economic Development Authority has not reviewed this proposal for a Special Use Permit for industrial development.
Please ask our Director of Community & Economic Development to put it on their agenda.
Billy Vaughn: vaughnwl@ci.staunton.va.us

The Historic Staunton Foundation has done great work in the revitalization of downtown but has not yet spoken up about preserving the Bells Lane Agricultural District or the viewshed of the original settlers' gravesite and nearby historic homes.
Please suggest to the HSF Staff and Board of Directors that they join us in opposition to this Special Use Permit for industrial and inappropriate development.
You can reach them via email, phone, or mail:
20 South New Street; Staunton, VA 24401